
(Temporarily) quitting facebook was a good idea

I'm reading an incredible amount (at least in my book) of ny times articles. This doesn't make me smarter but because it is my homepage, it is the first thing that pops up. So I read.

Sometimes, I feel stupid for having read a stupid article. Did I just let that piece of information really enter my brain? For the most part the articles are alright, and reaching the nytimes.com limit is driving me crazy. Nytimes is interesting because this is the hegemonic discourse that dominates many social issues that are chosen to be "important." Who are the people who decide what is important to be on front page?

I really like reading sex scandals of politicians and high ranking people. There is something about that news that delights me, something about imperfection being revealed (very publicly so), just like dystopias! I love dystopia stories.  Just goes to show you, we're all just human and people need to be nice and check themselves.


I mentally come to conclusions very quickly. Often times, unfortunately, this results in silence, or me being nonchalant about something. I just can't engage when I know my thoughts don't really contribute to the conclusion.

But I've learned that dominant society likes to talk. Talk talk talk talk talk. They talk about what they know, and with conviction.  Their thoughts don't inhibit them. Maybe I should start doing that.

"I'd like to preface my speech with the fact that I am right. Everything I say will be right. Anything you say will have no influence on my thoughts. I'll let you have some feeble attempts at convincing me. I'll nod and smile. Maybe even laugh. But I'll think you're stupid nevertheless. So let us begin..."

I kid (a bit). But some people honestly talk like that sometimes. It's a bit excruciating to take in. This is not to say that I don't like to talk or listen to people talk. I'm talking about a specific kind of talk, the kind that comes with narrow lens, and it usually comes from a person who has the inability to shift lens.


Don't be an activist. Just be human.


Live a little. Literally. Stop staring at the screen and thinking other people's lives are better than you because it's not. Just because:

A. someone knows how to use the self timer button on their camera to take pictures of themselves
B. goes to the club every weekend
C. goes to las vegas
D. shops at Forever 21 and H&M
E. travels/ lives in another country

...this does not make them cool. 

I'm not targeting anyone - the above listed have made me jealous of people, then I get a bit sad, and then I realize that I just haven't posted cool photos in a long time nor gotten any comments. Facebook psychological affects you.

Despite the said benefits of quitting facebook, I did sadly miss the announcement of one of my high school best friend's engagement. I wonder what else am I missing...

1 comment:

Susan said...

i think you're pretty cool. and you're living in another country. doing amazing things. being amazing.

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