

rain pours like my thoughts do

my mind wraps around things with fleeting considerations
often times
i'm unable to process things until i sit
sit and do nothing

and that
i don't have enough time for.


seeing that it is difficult for me to stray away from my tendency to make my blog entries very "vague" as a friend once told me, i suppose its because i tend to be scatter brained when it comes to processing things and getting things done. starting one thing ill forget to do another, and start another. many things run through my head through the day and few get recorded.

and wondering, as a scatter brained person internally, but externally ordered, if these contrasting characteristics conflict with one another, and as a result produce something false.


while here, i have a fellowship project to do, i'm really excited as my thoughts wrap around anything that i see and add on until i finally get to implement it. here are my current inspirations:

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