
my bad

seeing that my blog is slowly turning into a tumblr (no offense to the tumblr kids) where things that entertain me make their way and I provide no real commentary, I will attempt to recount my last few months that have, in all seriousness, blurred by, just like the previous months before these.


Location(s): Hong Kong (post Halloween), Saigon, Long Xuyen, Rach Gia
Music: RATATAT, I Heart Hiroshima, probably some Lykke Li

Recap: I got pink eye. I freaked out and thought I would go blind, then 2 days later I started to think it was sorta cool, if you put aside the pain and eye boogers that came with it (thank you codeine). I thought I would spare you from pictures I took of my red eyes, but for those who dare, click here. Someone asked me if she looked into my eyes, wether she could get pink eye too, and she proceeded to avoid eye contact with me. With that being noted, RATATAT was well the eye disease. Somewhere in the month: I woke up stumbled out of bed into the park to see some damn meteor showers. 
A few mosquito bites later, none were seen, and I felt my bed calling me. Turkey day occurs. Earlier in the month I visited the homes of families who picked trash for a living, their existence was on trash, they played on trash, they slept on trash, they shopped in trash, and then trash had another meaning for me. This moment still leaves me a tad confused as I don't really know what to think. I consistently have contrasting experiences, from the loud honks of motorbikes to beating crescendo nights to things like this, where an eery silence fills the air because nothing else can.

Location(s): Saigon, Long Xuyen
Music: Lady Gaga, probably some Rilo Kiley, Animal Collective, and Bats for Lashes

Recap: I get lost with a xe om driver for nearly an hour. My cellphone doesn't have reception in rural areas. My ass hurts. Then Christmas occurs. I meet awesome folks. Friends begin to visit me. I fall in love with Vietnam more and more.

Current month: January
Location(s): Saigon, Long Xuyen
Music: Reverie Sound Revue, Zee Avi, a revisit to Arcade Fire & Smashing Pumpkins

Recap: I get food poisoning & my cellphone is stolen. Despite this, it's going to be a damn good year. I began it, by looking at my cellphone, since Vietnamese people don't count down. Mixed with interesting clubbing experiences, adventures with old and new friends comin' into Vietnam, site visits, and not really cleaning my room, this month has been a great doozy. Photos will be uploaded shortly. I'll end this entry with a video that I am currently obsessed with, for its great playlist of songs, and the simplicity behind it.

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