
Oh mah god are these used?!

Old photos from Vietnam back in the day, unsure of the years, my mom said it was my "grandpa's time" Ignore the strange flowers, they were part of a powerpoint email forward from a grandpa's friend.

According to my mama* it's gross. The thought that vintage/used clothing can be fashionable and awesome is not really possible to my mama, unless it's from her closet. "What if that person was dead?" she mutters with a tone of worry and disgust. Trying to cope with my love for old and used clothing and items, she blabbers more about selling her old items so she can make money like these people. My mama has never gone vintage shopping with me. She tells me to hurry up as I grab a cute pair of leather Etienne Alger muted tan pumps made in Italy in mint condition and a stripped business skirt made in Japan all for a good steal of $15 from a vintage store sale somewhere out in the suburbs of Australia. I took a great deal to get there from getting off at a dreary stop on the subway to a good 15 minute walk. My mom was scared to walk into the neighborhood so I tried to assure her that all the "cool kids" do it too, while I attempted to thwart her attention away from the haphazard graffitied walls of empty industrial buildings and shattered glass bottles on the floor to the sprinkled bits of hipster teenagers going to the same destination as me. It's okay mama, I promise.

* mama is mom in Chinese (妈妈)

Vintage photo in front of the white house they lived in California, fyi I never wore that blue dress.

Before most of my "vintage" items came in the form of my mama's ever growing collection of clothing from the 80's and 90's. Refugee vintage if you so will, the kind of vintage that holds memories that I will never be able to fully understand. My mama never really threw her clothing away.  Contained in her closet lies memories faded from the wear and tear of forgetting and living. The warm sun no longer pink when it sets.  There was something strangely comforting knowing I was wearing something my mama once wore. Once wore when she walked through the streets of New York fresh tired eyes peeking over a landscape that her daughter will one day call home. Clothing that protected her skin against the cold leather benches of the greyhound bus bound for California as the trees and nicely paved roads scurried past too busy to notice.  

It was like the possibility of those memories living once again, without words. Unspoken. Her threads speak as threads have always spoken to me.

Threads speak to me. They speak in a way that a lover's gaze lingers in your mind even after they are long gone. You long for it again. The echoes of a rapid stitch as needle threads fabric, repeatedly, over and over, masks the sounds of her kids growing up in a culture she may never full understand.

There was never a dull silence in my house.

Today, the sounds are replaced with honks, shouts, and other noises that a city makes when it feels stuffy, grumpy, and sweaty all at once. Noises my mother understands. I find myself in Vietnam, where vintage is not as popular in contrast to the high fashion stores pushing their way through the already cramped and awkward urban landscape of "economic development." Here I am always on the prowl for vintage items and with the help of some great locals I have had some great finds and wanted to share it with you.

Duong Ho Huan Xuan (Street), District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

On this street you will find sprinkled bits of old man clothes to second hand purses. I particularly go to this one store that sells only vintage shoes that they get from Thailand. They have a great selection, but very few sizes, its either a hit or miss, so if you do find one... its feels oh so special. The street ends with a hoard of non-vintage shoe stores and a school with a lot of fat cute spoiled kids. Price ranges from $5 - $30. (The shoes/purses, not the kids)

Frames/ glasses carts: Behind the bus stop in front of Cho Ben Thanh (Market), District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

A friend told me about this one after I went nuts over her awesome glasses frames that reminded me of my big purple marble ones from the 4th grade. On this street hidden away due to the rather distracting and lovingly chaotic bus station, there is a bunch of carts selling used glasses frames, watches and the likes. I was able to find some great strong frames here that can be easily made for your prescription glasses or sunglasses at any glasses store in Vietnam. Price ranges from $2 - $3. Be sure to bargain.

JUST heard of this have yet to go but sounds exciting. The same friend with cool glasses also linked me to this on facebook. It seems to have vintage dresses and designer vintage purses so it's a bit pricier than I would like but I will check back after I go hunt down for the store. If you'd like to hunt it down before me please do and tell me about it! Price range: $10 to $350.

141 - Lầu 1 - Phòng 14, Nguyễn Trãi, Q.1
 Ms. Minh - 0909.382.328 - 08.6291.0985 


"Hoàng Minh (Quạ is her nickname at home) is a freedom twenty-seven year old girl, after 5 years studying in HCMC University of Architecture and 2 years working in Advertising (Lowe World Wide agency). She loves to find inspirations everyday about fashion, photography, art, vintage, retro, collage, eating, traveling and so much more. Now she opens her retro & vintage shop for sharing cute little things she found on her way."

Her website/blog page. (Scroll past the entry about the moon cup, haha, and you will find her cute fashions.)

Cho (outdoor market) next to Dai Hoc An Giang (University)

There are two stalls that I go to:

1. a lady that sells vintage purses and clothing and miscellaneous. Cute cozy crammed with fluorescent lights hovering over you while purses dangle from the ceilings. Price range $1 to $6
2. a lady that sells many many many jackets and is covered them like they are pouring out of a pool already too full of clothing. Price range: $1 to $3 

And now the warm sun sets pink.


Why I hate my birthdays.

Me with my cousins (starting from the left) Sandra, Rebecca & Jeffrey

I've come to this conclusion after 22 of them. Each one secretly leaving me sad, except maybe my 7th birthday where I got a duck statue from my grandpa (that still sits on our lawn), an electric pencil sharpener from my uncle (that I still have), and I wore this black and white polka dotted dress with a red ribbon on it. I still remember the time I opened a heavy large cardboard box to find a statue of a duck with a slew of newspaper. I believe I was excited. Maybe because I didn't really have pets growing up except a few goldfish, two turtles that died and this dog I had for one day. I am currently in Vietnam so I don't have those photos with me except the one above. (It sums up my sentiments about my subsequent birthdays pretty well.)

I was five. I remember being grumpy (and I was celebrating my birthday with my uncle who was also born in rabbit year). I don't know why I was grumpy. I just remember stomping in the hallways with my little legs trying to make alot of grumpy noise so that people knew I wasn't happy. Someone called my name as I stomped.  I remember making that face in the photo (pouting) for the entire day and being whiney. Why is she acting like that? I acted "like that" even more when I heard that. I probably cried at one point? To this day I think that is how I secretly feel in each of my birthdays but since I am no longer five years old, stomping doesn't quiet have the same effect so my true sentiments are now well hidden.

I guess I can't handle the attention or what seems to me as the default "I have to care about you on this day because you were born into existence" type of deal. Maybe its the fact that on this day I realize my existence is close to moot and that there is really no reason to celebrate this day because any other day is just the same except that people have to put things in boxes to give to you so you know that they care for you. Or maybe its just overrated and my five year old self knew that already.

My birthday also happens to fall mid summer and while all the cool kids with non-summer birthdays celebrate and get recognized in school by their friends, my birthday is at a time when people are in transition, school is over, and/or they've moved. One time in middle school my friend decided to very sweetly celebrate summer babies' birthdays by giving us all balloons nearing the last day of school. Although I somewhat felt like charity. People wishing me happy birthday even though it wasn't, then getting confused as to why I had a balloon, then me having to explain the whole sha-bang to them. I am ever so grateful for my friend for thinking about us though. I think that was the only time something happened at school. From what my memory serves me I have never been surprised on my birthday.

My milestone birthdays haven't been so great either. Great as in "I want to boast to people about the bomb ass party I had for my (insert milestone) birthday." But it doesn't quiet end up that way. For my 16th birthday I planned a birthday with a few friends over, my mom cooked a feast, and we sang karaoke. Nothing too eventful. I remember having a cupcake decorating party and made everyone wear purple. I was also strangely sad that night and felt like weight was taken off my shoulders when it ended. For my 21st I had a small home dinner party with my family.  For my 22nd the same. My last two birthdays was spent very disappointed at a particular person. Like every birthday I'm usually glad when its over.

However, besides my rather lamenting feelings towards my birthday (except I do like the actual day 28), I absolutely love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love 

birthday cakes.

This is not to be confused with loving my birthdays even though birthday cakes and birthdays come hand in hand. It is possible for someone to love birthday cakes and not their own birthday. I love them with all my heart and all they have to offer, even Vietnamese ones, with the snowmen and dogs and dragons all on one cake! I think this is why people sometimes people get confused and think I love my birthdays but really I just love the cake.

When I was younger I was notoriously known to ask about the cake when I came to birthday parties.
I love other people's birthday parties, no pressure on me, I'm celebrating another close one's birthday and I get cake! Someone else is in the spotlight. The candleblowing, the process of slicing it, the camera picture taking that occurs after, and then the repeated candle blowing because some cameras couldn't "capture" the moment just right and it needed to be authentic with the whole "blowing the candle" shot and then the "posing with the cake tilted forward" shot and finally the "fake cutting the cake" shot for the money win. Some little kids wanted to practice their mad candle blowing skills as well and some spit blowing while they are at it.

When I was younger I was obsessed with creme flowers that go on top of Chinese styled cakes with the red clear icing occasionally sprinkled with a few Chinese characters. That was the ONLY part of the cake I wanted to eat. And when my dad gave me an entire slice of cake I remember bursting in tears and running to my aunt crying into her dress because I wanted the fucking flower and nothing else.

Now I come into my next birthday with very little expectations and only plans for myself that don't really involve anyone else. In general, I never really ask anything of anyone because I don't want to be disappointed. My birthdays just seem like I'm asking people for some type of recognition and maybe that's why I hate my birthdays. I don't like asking. That is why for this birthday I am going to ask for nothing. My only plans are to buy a cake, share it with others and run around Saigon.

I know what my Halloween costume will be.

Lucy Van Pelt.

I thought about being Charlie Brown to follow up on my previous years of being a boy character, Nobita Nobi from Doraemon, Alvin, from Alvin in the Chipmunks, Ash from Pokemon. Super great if you've never tried it you should. Nothing like walking down the street with your posse. Like the time I stumbled late into a meeting with Brock and Misty trailing behind me or when I lost Simon and Theodore running around in Santa Barbara to be left with just a dinosaur.

Anyways I'm recruiting for my peanut gang.


Back in Vietnam and I feel lost as ever.

After my two week break in Australia now I am back in Vietnam to continue my work. My energy seems to have waned. Hopefully I can get it up soon and focus my energies like I'm almost always talking about.



Depressing. I am so mad at myself.

19 March 2010 - Singapore, Mosaic Music Festival
21 March 2010 - Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Bently Music Auditorium
25 March 2010 - Hong Kong, Hitec Rotunda 3
27 March 2010 - Indonesia, Jakarta, Upper Room 28 March 2010 - Indonesia, Bandung, Sabuga(venue TBC)
31 March 2010 - Philippines, Manila, venue to be announced
2 April 2010 - Taiwan, Taipei, Legacy
4 April 2010 - Korea, Seoul, Olympic Hall
6 April 2010 - Japan, Osaka, Club Quattro
7 April 2010 - Japan, Tokyo, O-East Tickets are on sales for all the shows.

Occurred sometime in March. Makes me want to start a music blog about the scene in asia like now. Currently in Australia to be with family for a short bit. I petted a Koala. Another life goal accomplished.
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