
No, it's not that I don't have time but rather I am in a constant state of imbalance.

Imbalance. That's a good word for it. In the slew of the disroutine life that I live due to a combination of procrastination, wandering thoughts, and family I have done a very bad job of focusing on my objects of affection: music & art. Although I've always loved these two things because I can do them rather mindlessly and enjoyably and somehow they always returned to my life even in the midst of change.

During this time many albums have come out, actually I believe in the last few months that I have not been able to give my full attention to particularly: Arcade Fire's The Suburbs, We Are Scientist's Barbara, and Chromeo's Business Casual. Lykke Li will be coming out with a new album as well. Not including the slew of new things that are consistently popping up in our informationcrazed generation. And as a result I've been not feeling the spark in these albums as I try to listen to the music while working on some grant proposal. My hands hurt. I think the combination of listening to work and music doesn't work so well.

I've always taken a long time to warm up to albums. They have to hit me at a certain moment. I've had metric's albums in my ipod for over 2 or 3 years before I was like these folks are pretty damn awesome. Time it takes.

Okay, I'm going to find balance now. Be back soon. Until then my draft box, notebooks, and books remain incomplete and hidden.

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