
It's about time.

I'm rather disappointed at myself for allowing heartbreak to consume me hence the dedication of so many blogposts to it. I suppose this is the strongest feeling inside me at times, and I find that strange. From now on, no more. I must focus on the other things that are in my life - after reading my old blog posts, I recognize a certain beauty that I used to see. I haven't had the time to soak up the beauty of my surroundings really. Perhaps it's because I've been so out of wack as of late. I need to stop taking up my  consciousness capital on past things that I no longer have control over. 

It is a pressing time to change myself from within, to overcome fears like there is no tomorrow, make mistakes, and be just fucking awkward without feeling bad about it. It's about time that I am myself again. It's about time that I let it shine. It's about time that I make eye contact with folks. Smile. Take the time to breathe and recall the worth that is in me. 

It's about time.

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