
The Universe is saying a few things to me.

I noticed it yesterday after doing a few stretches on the floor. Rarely do I do them, but when I remember it's nice. This week, life brought me to Arcade Fire, my friend Sally, and who knows what now? My brother has been calling me more lately as he's facing an awesome life decision within his work place. He calls and includes me in the process which makes me happy that I can somewhat help him through his decision making just by listening. My aunt (who works for the post office) texts me to ask for my address - which might mean a package! (but I'm getting ahead of myself). My former interns receive journals that I got from Vietnam and mailed to them and texted me a photo of the one she chose out of the three. Mom calls me to ask about renting cars. She also calls me to ask about google mapping. She calls me to ask about restaurants in the area of Chino. She asks me about burrito places with the name "Maria" off the 15.  I also realized that I've been asked to be near a waterfall this Sunday. I love waterfalls. I love what they are and what they mean to me and the life that they offer. The signs the signs. Can you see it? Can you hear it? Can you feel it?


Disappointment comes in interesting forms doesn't it? Is it really disappointment or is it sadness for something that is perceived to be at lost and no longer there? But how do you know it's there in the first place? How do you know you've really lost it when you've never found it?


Channeling my inner front woman - cause aw hellz I'm going to need it for the next month.


Believing in myself, believing in human connection, believing in the spirit.

Why is it easier to purchase than to interact?
However, why does it feel so empty?


Note to self: To keep from Friday becoming a bit of what I've been dreading since I woke up...(Fridays are the worst for me. Fridays come with so much pressure to do something. You are faced with what you've been avoiding the whole week, which is loneliness, which is free time, which is self.) Tonight: organize my music, do laundry, stretches, write a story about my commute to DC and my internship and everything post-grad. Go into that zone.  How can I contribute to myself tonight without wanting to make the perilous task /effort to interact with others? Fridays are the worst.  But I like human interaction unfortunately. I like it but I'm stressed out at the same time and I don't know how to juggle the two. I feel like there is a life long problem here.


"Say I love you before the sky tumbles"

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