

how music can inspire me to write. i'm happy. and have been away again for the last two weeks in various places, I made my way up to the central region for the first time in my life. Wandered aimlessly and enjoyed the company of others. I was welcomed into homes, ate too much food for my own good, and was given pretty bomb ass tours of each city I went to by locals, even xe om drivers felt the urge to show me around the city (it was up to me whether I wanted to give him extra money for showin' me around the city, now that's friendliness I tell you.) Now here is a detailed account of my last few days since I feel like I don't do this enough. I do it rarely cos I know you folks are really lazy to read.

Read on if you'd like.

the central region was just so fucking sweet - Hue, Da Nang, Hoi An. Sweet like when a gentleman gives a jacket for you when your cold kind of sweet (which did happen). hahaha. Having made my way to three major regions of Vietnam I feel so accomplished! I laughed and smiled most of the way.

I arrived in Da Nang first and stayed at Hoa's place, a little backpacker's hostel by China Beach. I got to see the beach. Dreary clouds made Da Nang look mysterious. I found my way to Hoi An and wandered and bought a shitload of lamps. After a few hours I got to talking to locals, buying their stuff and they helped me find a bomb ass vegetarian rice place to eat at. I then moved into the home of some other people I knew and they welcomed me with good homemade food! They also had the cutest 4 year old kid name Tommy that continued to ask me how to say things in English.  I then hung out in Da Nang with my friend Tam and her bf Mark, who are ridiculously cute. I went to the International Fireworks Festival walked the bridges and roadways to get to my seat and was surprisingly moved by fireworks which coincided with music. (Japan had the best one for great music and also no cloudedness because they were clever, however the Vietnamese people CLEARLY loved the Vietnamese team for their superfluous use of heart shaped fireworks).  I learned that Vietnamese people really know how to flock to an event in an orderly fashion! I was shocked and amused. Although it may have seemed chaotic. They even had ambulances ready. Later had some discussions with locals about gender, and clearly it is still unfair. Ate some Indian food with Tam and Mark where I met a fellow Berkeley alumni. Next to us sat the fireworks team. I met a girl who can speak Chinese, Vietnamese and English just like me - the waitress introduced us. I learned that my Vietnamese was not good according to the waitress. As I walked out I said bye to the family w/ a Berkeley alumni and their child asked:

"Mommy, who is that?"
"It's a bear!"

and I hoped on a bus where I sat next to a strange vietnamese man who was inspecting my luggage tags. As we have a rather confusing dialogue where he didn't understand my Vietnamese - I slowly learn that he's Korean! Very strange. I think that was my first time in my life having a conversation with a Korean man from Korea (Other than my high school best friend's dad) His mannerisms amuse me. We said bye.

And I crammed into a sardined packed bus to Hue. I was quiet confused when I landed in the bus stop. I stood there looking confused. Then walked over to other buses confused. Then confusingly a lady took my luggage and put it on a bus.

"I didn't buy a ticket yet!"
"It's okay get on the bus!"

I knew if i stood their looking confused for long enough someone was bound to help me or scoop me up to somewhere. A combination of fear of losing my luggage and feeling like something illegal was happening, I was squished into the back of the bus, made for 4 people to sit, we had 5 people sit. We paid for tickets along the way, and it was all on a trust system! or maybe the bus lady knew. Regardless I was snug. After passing by beautiful mountains and trees and AN AWESOME LONG ASS TUNNEL! (I felt like I was in America) I arrived in Hue in 2 hours, it was raining. I immediately hopped on a xe om to my hotel. Checked in. And then chilled for the night since I didn't know Hue too well and my friend was busy.

then Hue happened --

pictures will be posted soon once my friend brings me my battery charger that I forgot in Hue!

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