
Have you ever tried to trace rain droplets as they dance by?

Happenstance childhood pass times of mine include putting black olives on each of my fingers and eating them one by one. Like sitting around with my finger on the record button waiting to record a song from my favorite band on the radio with a tape. Like trying to follow the rain droplets as they hit the window on fast freeways. One of the reasons why I abhor driving is because I enjoy being a passenger. 

I get to see so much more. And for the conveniences of my happenstance childhood pass times I rather enjoy the long bus rides. As evidenced from my previous blog posts I am not having a good time transitioning back to Vietnam. I don't think its homesickness necessarily. I feel it is a helplessness that I can control but don't feel like it. It also has something to do with the energy that is surrounding me. 

I was reminded of one of my happenstance childhood pass times as I stared out the window of the big orange bus that I take for 5 hours at least once a month here in Vietnam.

Long Xuyen --> Saigon

Saigon --> Long Xuyen

5 hours at least once a month in Vietnam.

I go to the bus station in Long Xuyen which is a 3 minute walk from where I live. I avoid eye contact with xe om drivers as they ask me if I need a ride. No you twit, I'm at the bus station. I think to myself that, but never say anything. I should be nicer.

I get there approximately 10 - 15 minutes before. I get my ticket from the ticket counter 90, 000 vnd ($4.50 USD) At one point a woman working there recognized me and my name. Why are you going this time Kim? For fun I reply. She smiles and wishes me a good trip. Sadly, I don't recall her face so I won't know if I saw her again. There is something about hegemony, that when are not really a part of it, especially language wise its hard to remember.

From there it is a 30 minute ride to the ferry. Sometimes the wait to get on the ferry can be up to 30 minutes, which drags on for what seems like forever. If there is no wait, then it takes about 15 minutes to cross the ferry. I pretend to sleep so I don't have to get off the bus, since its a "rule" for passengers to get off the bus and onto the ferry by foot. I guess, for our safety. Disregarding my safety and facing the possibility of drowning, I delight in staying in the bus. A small win. Then I proceed to look out my window at the people on the ferry. Little kids jumping from the side into the muddy unclear waters of the Mekong Delta as if no water born diseases exist. Only fun did. That was the only thing on their mind.

Unlike them, that is never the only thing on my mind.

Children, women and men of all sorts, from the small child who sells lottery tickets who doesn't know further than the boundaries of Long Xuyen, but knows more about the hustle than I could ever know to the woman who is trying to raise her two kids on selling fruits and cigarettes from a small basket. I find them fearfully resilient. For them to be positioned where they are, but to be able to somehow make the most of it, I find ever so strong. A strength that I fear. But I suppose its about survival more than anything and when you gotta survive you do what you have to do. Survival for me comes easier and I recognize this.

Unlike them, that is never the thing on my mind.

Before my bus got on the ferry I watched the droplets. They were not from rain but from the fact that the temperature of the air conditioning in the bus contrasted greatly from the humidity outside. I was really cold. The droplets reminded me of times where I chased rain droplets in the U.S. since going really fast on freeways during the rain resulted in the droplets hitting the window at a really high speed and therefore causing them to dance. I always tried to trace them as if it would result in something. It never did, they just danced in this repetitive cycle. New ones came in. Old ones out. Transient.

This past weekend I made the trip emptily. I didn't know why I was going but felt the need to get out of Long Xuyen, since I knew I was going to feel lonely. Might as well feel lonely in a big city than a small town. I thought to myself. Bad choice. Of course I get a splitting headache from feeling useless and hopeless. Sitting in a very pretty cafe I was unhappy with where I was. Why I was there. Purposeless. All the work that I had to do. Unmotivated. Even talking to a people I felt so emotionless, I knew it came across as so. Everything that I had to get done didn't mean anything to me. Moot if you will. Moot is a word I learned in 9th grade.

Moot: Having no practical significance, typically because the subject is too uncertain to allow a decision.

Right now its gotten to the point where music isn't hitting me the same. And that's a bad bad sign in Kim Dam's book. However, Fleet Foxes's self titled album is keeping me hopeful and afloat and does tracing rain drops even if they don't dance by. Even if they don't dance by. Still. 

Comparisons are my weakness. I do it alot. Where I compare my life to others. And then get sad over it. That they are living a "better" life. But I gotta really kick myself and remind myself that all these thoughts are arbitrary. I am only seeing what they allow me to see. I only compare what I see. The good. Which is why I'm trying to better relate my stories and what I see in my life. Regardless of where I am. At least once a month I travel somewhere. It doesn't hit me that I've traveled to 8 different countries in the last 1.5 years of my life and more cities, provinces, villages, v.v.  than I can count.

Time to refocus. Time to focus on the positive. Time to not let myself down. Time to get out of this unhealthy rut. Time to not be sick and exhausted all the time. Time to feel. Time to find the roots of things again. Time to do me. Time to get things down with passion. Time.

It's just time.
About time.


I have 8 more months to go.

Or to be exact, 6 months and 22 days left.
I've been feeling really unmotivated and sad as of late. Maybe this is what being homesick feels like.I thought I was immune to that. But the mountains behind my house talked to me in a way that I never felt before for the 13 or so years that I lived there. They greeted me every day when I was at home this past month.

Anyways I really enjoy bands with a lot of people that make a lot of good noise. A random distant dream of mine is to be in a band. One day I'll reach that point of freedom.

Home is wherever I'm with you.

But bones are too heavy to come up.

I guess we'll just have to adjust.


Thoughts running loose, I've been unable to catch them and it's starting to overwhelm me.

I'm frustrated that the little critters run quickly, so quickly in fact that they slip from my mind as if they didn't even exist. And "quiet as its kept" their inability to come to fruition is its downfall or at least its mine that is. And as trees decide to retreat, the dirt road no longer speaking, and the sunset no longer as bright, it's become awfully quiet. I've become awfully quiet. Removing situations aside, displacing oneself doesn't quite work if the displacing no longer feels like its happening. When surroundings become familiar and change doesn't seem to want to come about. When what your looking has been there all along, you just had to find it. When things seem so jumbled that fixing it feels hopelessness. Hopelessness is an awful feeling but when it blankets you it does. Passion is as passion does. I know what I'm capable of. Creativity has been lost for me. Lost between the lines of keyboard and screens. My creativity has been lost and I've been trying to find it ever since.


Art - based reproductive health workshops for trafficking returnees from rural areas of Vietnam

This mouthful is what I've been working on for the last 1.5 years while I am here in Vietnam. I have a fellowship project that I have to vaguely put it "dedicate to the community at need. My friend Patricia has been my main partner in crime in pulling this together and inspiring me. I'm glad that she decided to land herself in Vietnam too. 

My creative process has always been a haphazard one. And when I try to control it. When I try to face it. It's scary. Something so foreign that I shoved aside for other pursuits that I've lost the ability to be free with it. As free as I was once with scissors and paper. I think too much.

I need to not think so much.

Clyfford Still one of my favorites. 

Throw it at me.


I think I'm getting ready for something big.



One thing I crave and miss is radio.

I've talked about this in a previous blog post, but I'll do it again since I can't get over it. The art of DJ-ing live on air was a haphazard thing I did as I lived my last year in college. Ms. Button was my air name, but I realized that if I slurred my pronunciation on air, it sounded like Ms. Butt. I think I will change it to Kim Casual (After seeing a youtube video on Jazz Casual, America's first TV Jazz Series), since I like the ring of it very much so. It was here that I learned the beauty of accidents and mistakes.

In Vietnam, radio culture doesn't exist as it does in the states because cars aren't a popular form of transportation, motorbikes are (I'm still waiting for the day motorbikes with radios come about, although that would be noise pollution chaos waiting to happen, it's sort of exciting isn't it?).

And also radio is from what I understand, more news than music. But from a young age when I discovered radio from my mom's am/fm clock radio my ears have been caught since. Back in the day when the combination of boredom and not knowing your future meant that you had a free day to play, I had spent the day listening to the radio. I still remember the day distinctly. 1. I thought it was really cool to hang out in my parents room on their king size bed. and 2. I had heard a song I liked. And other days my mom had control over the radio waves, but inside her room on her am/fm clock radio I was in control of it and could listen to whatever I wanted to and its history from there. I once typed up an extensive and detailed story on how I got into music. I wrote it on an electronic post-it. If I find it, I'll post it in its raw form.

In general, as much as I love music and the goodness it fills me with, I don't like to talk about music too much with people because I get a wide range of opinions and sometimes insults. Music, like politics, is where everyone has an opinion about it, but of course we develop our opinions due to different circumstances, existences, and environments. And just like in politics, you have your smart people and you have your idiots. A friend once told me that I was not well versed in music because I did not have an understanding or appreciation for the classic rock genre. At the time I was angry with this comment and did not react too well, probably with silence, as how I usually deal with situations that are not my cup of tea.

 There are a couple ways I do music and as my friend Patricia said once "Imma do me." With music I won't like it just because its a top 40, or because its the most popular song of the time. Although sometimes that's the case and I can't deny that, I like songs because of my process with it. I will have albums that I don't listen to for a few years before I accidentally pick it up in a shuffle. I like songs and albums recommended by a friend to me. I also like to explore an artist's entire album, and as a classmate once said to me as I vaguely recollect, that an artist made an entire album for a reason. I also like to obsessively listen to a song on repeat. I've just discovered this wonderful method of putting songs on youtube on repeat! It's literally as simple as typing the word "repeat" into the web address.

Lastly, I'd like to leave you with my favorite moment of going home for Christmas. This is Dominick. He's just over 1 years old and this trip was the first time I met him. He really likes me for some reason (maybe because I look like his older sister) and also maybe I wore this grandma like soft fleece sweater. In this photo, I was just holding him, and then all of a sudden to my shock he just lays his head on my shoulder.  So much love! It gave me so much warm fuzzies that it still lasts until this day every time I look at this picture. This makes me want to be at home. <3


Pictures because my words are jumbled.

Random bits of December 2010 for you.  8 months to go.

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