
The best feeling is when you bike up a steep hill and can't breathe.

Your thighs burn a bit.

Calves ache too.

And your face mask becomes a suffocation device.

But you know once you peddle to the top,
you will reach a moment where you can grasp for air.
 are clear. 
The view
 is rather pretty. 
And the sky
 is blue. 

And the wheels and road take over for you.

I've run a muck these past two months and have finally found myself in Long Xuyen, Vietnam again. Running around requires much of my attention (and energy) therefore my concentration wane as does my ability to blog. And as this is my first day back at work, of course I would find myself blogging away to keep my mind a bit sane.

A lot of emotions ran through me these past few weeks in the states, as it does to me today. I don't know what to do or feel right now. I've been taking moments to just lay down and not think. I just feel a tad overwhelmed. I scribble things on paper alot. Anything and anywhere hoping that maybe in the near future I will take a glance at it and remember. Right now sitting strewn across my table as the rain decides to greet me, are my mishap papers that I write things on.

My last day ended hanging out with my two best friends from high school. It wasn't planned but it fell together very well just the day before. Strangely these two girls called me one right after the other while I was freaking out in forever 21 since I didn't have clubbing clothes nor lots of money. I had miscalculated dates and thought I would again miss my chance to see Beckster whom I haven't seen since sophomore year of college. I was trying on everything and anything to make the best possible cheapest combination. I ended up with a black leotard that I've always wanted to own and a cute $5 flower skirt from Urban Outfitters. No need to dress to impress. I just wanted to dance.

Anyways, L.A. treated me really well that day and I realized its because of the company. I wanted to see many other folks but just missed the chance since my mom didn't want to drive me, time was short and I didn't know the metrolink was great. We had great coffee, took a nice walk, found easy parking, ate lunch, and I got to see shadows of the Santa Monica Pier. Best of all I really got to click with them in a way that I haven't been able to click on skype or the phone. Seeing them in person and seeing that they were happy really made me happy. Being able to share my experiences in Vietnam and my anti human trafficking work was pretty awesome feeling.  And them being so inquisitive about my work made me realize that I didn't share my work or daily life too well with people I love. I get caught up with daily things and sometimes just want my brain to do nothing but sit. Be uncreative if you so will.

But its time again that I use my noggin' to work in expressing myself. American priorities are very different from what I have here. Here my friendships are very very valued to me. I become close to people rather quickly and people share a lot with me. Sadly I had moments back home where I felt that those who were once close to me were now strangers. Strange how a year and a half away from something can create distances. Coming back to Vietnam was honestly not all that bad, it was sort of like coming home.

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