
One thing I crave and miss is radio.

I've talked about this in a previous blog post, but I'll do it again since I can't get over it. The art of DJ-ing live on air was a haphazard thing I did as I lived my last year in college. Ms. Button was my air name, but I realized that if I slurred my pronunciation on air, it sounded like Ms. Butt. I think I will change it to Kim Casual (After seeing a youtube video on Jazz Casual, America's first TV Jazz Series), since I like the ring of it very much so. It was here that I learned the beauty of accidents and mistakes.

In Vietnam, radio culture doesn't exist as it does in the states because cars aren't a popular form of transportation, motorbikes are (I'm still waiting for the day motorbikes with radios come about, although that would be noise pollution chaos waiting to happen, it's sort of exciting isn't it?).

And also radio is from what I understand, more news than music. But from a young age when I discovered radio from my mom's am/fm clock radio my ears have been caught since. Back in the day when the combination of boredom and not knowing your future meant that you had a free day to play, I had spent the day listening to the radio. I still remember the day distinctly. 1. I thought it was really cool to hang out in my parents room on their king size bed. and 2. I had heard a song I liked. And other days my mom had control over the radio waves, but inside her room on her am/fm clock radio I was in control of it and could listen to whatever I wanted to and its history from there. I once typed up an extensive and detailed story on how I got into music. I wrote it on an electronic post-it. If I find it, I'll post it in its raw form.

In general, as much as I love music and the goodness it fills me with, I don't like to talk about music too much with people because I get a wide range of opinions and sometimes insults. Music, like politics, is where everyone has an opinion about it, but of course we develop our opinions due to different circumstances, existences, and environments. And just like in politics, you have your smart people and you have your idiots. A friend once told me that I was not well versed in music because I did not have an understanding or appreciation for the classic rock genre. At the time I was angry with this comment and did not react too well, probably with silence, as how I usually deal with situations that are not my cup of tea.

 There are a couple ways I do music and as my friend Patricia said once "Imma do me." With music I won't like it just because its a top 40, or because its the most popular song of the time. Although sometimes that's the case and I can't deny that, I like songs because of my process with it. I will have albums that I don't listen to for a few years before I accidentally pick it up in a shuffle. I like songs and albums recommended by a friend to me. I also like to explore an artist's entire album, and as a classmate once said to me as I vaguely recollect, that an artist made an entire album for a reason. I also like to obsessively listen to a song on repeat. I've just discovered this wonderful method of putting songs on youtube on repeat! It's literally as simple as typing the word "repeat" into the web address.

Lastly, I'd like to leave you with my favorite moment of going home for Christmas. This is Dominick. He's just over 1 years old and this trip was the first time I met him. He really likes me for some reason (maybe because I look like his older sister) and also maybe I wore this grandma like soft fleece sweater. In this photo, I was just holding him, and then all of a sudden to my shock he just lays his head on my shoulder.  So much love! It gave me so much warm fuzzies that it still lasts until this day every time I look at this picture. This makes me want to be at home. <3

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