
Lately, I've been trying to expand my vocabulary.

I think it's working. Now that I'm trying to speak Vietnamese at a beyond 5th grade level, I've come to realize that words such as eat, go, and no are not really enough to run a workshop. I will post my new vocabulary soon. Meanwhile, today during my last round of scholarship visits in Kien Giang (one of my favorite places to go for work where the dirt roads are red and the water is actually blue-green). For some of the house visits we had to cross the water on a little boat to get to their homes.

This boat that I rode on (and held onto for my dear life) is called a thuyềnIn English, to my limited knowledge I only know boat, sail boat, raft, cruiser, and speed boat. I decided to ask my staff members and interns what type of boats there are, they gave me a whole list! YES to expanding my vocabulary to what I deem to be very useful terminology especially in the Mekong Delta.

with lovely pictures too.

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