
When I get affirmation, I get happy.

I'm just being honest, frank, candid (gre word - I should really be studying). Every single like on facebook, comment, email, and other forms of affirmation are quite enjoyable to me! I think people forget or don't know that I live in rural/suburbia of Vietnam. My mama lived a portion of her life here.  I do spend quiet a bit of time on my blog and facebook, checking if anyone has affirmed my thoughts about life, although rare, comments on my blog are ever better because that means you took the extra time to click around. Thank you!

I know I talk trash sometimes about other forms of extreme affirmation, like people who are constantly twittering, facebooking, and texting.

I mean I can pretend to be hipster pretentious and not really care about what people think about me, be all vague about my life, but that's what this blog is for. but why would I be writing blogs? Blogs are some people's way of asking for a bit of attention about our lives. Nothing too bad. I don't really talk about my emotions to people, so in that way, I never really release the pent up experiences or feelings I have through spoken word. Only written word.

I have to be more audacious (gre word) in life.

And now onto the subject that got me blabbering at 1 am in the first place. So many people are liking it on facebook that I'm going to extend on it a bit more. I've grown a great deal being here, and also I've matured and become less fearful of things. There were many that doubted wether I would "last" in Vietnam.

Well IN YOUR FACE. TWO YEARS BIZNATCH. =) I never once doubted myself. I am a lot stronger than many people think I am. Like I said before in my life lessons that I've learned in Vietnam:

Our assumptions about people are always never complete.

being in vietnam for two years, anything "chaotic" doesn't even phase me anymore. lol:

oh, no electricity? whatever. let's go to a cafe. 
not following instructions? alright things will get done.
mouse in the kitchen? hi buddy. 
bugs in my rice? protein. 
hair in my food? oh. 
yelling angry staff? the sky is pink today. 
burnt out? put a bird on it. 
stupid people? who? 
spider or bat in the room? mosquito racket.
tired at work? I live on the third floor of work.
late for work? I live on the third floor of work.
forgot something at "home"? I live at work.
fallen off a motorbike? there's dust on your butt.
blocked facebook? there are blogs.
cockroach? If you get them to lie on their stomach their helpless.
pink eye? get medicine.
fever? lie down, sleep.
stomach hurts? what did I eat 10 hours ago? oh yeah. 
pimple? oh you ate something "hot"
thirsty? go get a smoothie for 50 cents.
hungry? go to the market.
the floor is wet? wear sandals.
no soap in restroom? there's water.
dropped food? 20 second rule.
people saying your fat? you look fatter too.
dirty ice? wash it.
broken laptop cover zipper? it can be fixed.
broken cellphone screen? it can be fixed.
stolen laptop in japan? japan is really small (actually quote from experience)

don't take life too seriously.do what you love. go with the flow. don't try to make things perfect all the time. do what you can. do what you can with what is in front of you. do what you can with what you are given. learn from those that are around you, don't wish that you were somewhere else. don't place the blame elsewhere when its in your hands. don't place the blame in your dreams. leave your dreams to be. don't make excuses for your fears. that's how they win. don't always wish for something that is not there. don't focus on things that are out of your hands.  focus with what is in front of you. don't worry too much.  worry about what is in front of you. worrying about the future won't get you anywhere. worrying in general won't get you anywhere. stress out a bit. its okay. stressing is normal. but get over it, since your stressing is wasting time.

the unexpectedly good will come.

gotta remind myself constantly to take my own advice.

1 comment:

J.Pham said...

I like this, Roomie. I like this a lot. And I totally agree with it...about the blog writing to share thoughts and not sweating the small things and the quote at the end.

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