

"CANCER (June 21-July 22): Now that Mars is beginning his lengthy retrograde through your solar 4th, Cancer, you can expect surprising shifts and energy-surges revolving around your relationship to the concept of home in the months to come—yes, even in light of any thoughts that you'd already made plenty of progress in this arena over these past months. 'Home' is a broad topic, of course, which covers your literal residential dwelling, its décor, and those you share it with; the geographic locale where you currently live, the one you fondly remember and/or the one you yearn for; the family relations (whether blood or not) who help provide you a sense of emotional security (or fall short in doing so), and your own efforts to do the same. One or more of these thematic sectors is likely, therefore, to demonstrate continuedunsettledness… which needn't equal disaster but probably involves a handful of irritants that'll demand your attention, on behalf of ultimately securing greater internal peace-of-mind. This week especially, please keep your eye on that big life-anchoring prize. Between possible jolts in your career zone and the lovely-but-potentially-sidetracking influence of certain relationships, self-assuredly rooting your own intentions is presently a full-time job."

dead on.

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