yeah and then february decided to hit me.
Train Station, Hanoi, Vietnam
Train Station, Hanoi, Vietnam
Train Station, Hanoi, Vietnam
Train Station, Hanoi, Vietnam
Train Station, Hanoi, Vietnam
Cherry Blossoms - Sapa, Vietnam
Cherry Blossoms - Sapa, Vietnam
Border Belt
Lao Cai, Vietnam
Lao Cai, Vietnam
Sapa, Vietnam
Vietnamese people LOVE TO SING - Social Work Training, Hanoi, Vietnam
Social Work Training, Hanoi, Vietnam
I've never been so close to a pig before - Sapa, Vietnam
Sapa, Vietnam
Hip Hop, Vietnam Model - On a shoe
Sapa, Vietnam
Let's play ball - Somewhere in Dong Thap, Vietnam
Snappin' photos
Cold tea for a hot day
Bac Giang, Vietnam
Wall art in rural areas YES - Bac Giang, Vietnam
Broken glass barrier - somewhere in Bac Giang, Vietnam
Peeking through glass - Bac Giang, Vietnam
Bomb ass shelf, I was intrigued. - Scholarship home visits, Dong Thap, Vietnam
Lookin' down, scholarship home visits - Dong Thap, Vietnam
She rides her bike to school - Dong Thap, An Giang
She passes by the fields - Dong Thap, Vietnam
HCMC Saigon, Vietnam
HCMC Saigon, Vietnam
HCMC Saigon, Vietnam
HCMC Saigon, Vietnam
HCMC Saigon, Vietnam
HCMC Saigon, Vietnam
HCMC Saigon, Vietnam
New Years Eve, going around blessing their homes - Ba Te, Vietnam
Broken wing - Across the ferry somewhere
Jackfruit - Mit!
Oh what we do to go pick fruit...crossing the bridge.
Climbing trees & picking fruit - a rural past time
this baby hates me, but likes the camera
rural store
recordin' lottery numbers
recordin' lottery numbers through the static
Let's name a hotel after Kim! Okay. - Can Tho, Vietnam
The sea of chaos of people waiting - Can Tho, Vietnam
Retro radio at restaurant - Can Tho, Vietnam
Retro camera at restaurant - Can Tho, Vietnam
These fruits really do exist - Vinh Long, Vietnam
hood down car ride
I love these things - Ba Te, Vietnam
Bringin' in the new years' money - Ba Te, Vietnam
Sunglasses sister crew - Ba Te, Vietnam
Around midnight - Ba Te, Vietnam
Around midnight - Ba Te, Vietnam
Around midnight - Ba Te, Vietnam
Around midnight - Ba Te, Vietnam
Around midnight - Ba Te, Vietnam
Toys - Ba Te, Vietnam
Followin' the path during home visits - Dong Thap, Vietnam
Dong Thap, Vietnam
Dong Thap, Vietnam
The grass is always greener on the other side - Dong Thap, Vietnam
Dong Thap, Vietnam