
25% of the year, Vancouver gets sunshine.

Had a good day today with mama. Although she was being extremely whiney about walking for 3 hours. I forget how old she is. =(

Got to see my awesome friend Lisa Fang who not only brought us to a great restaurant to eat in downtown Vancouver, but also drove us around afterwards. Luckily for us she lives really close to the house I'm staying at!

I felt like a grandma wearing my tennis shoes but I'm glad I did. I didn't want to wear my lovely leather shoes because they hurt if I walk too much. I felt a bit self conscious because I feel like my shoes and what I wear dictate my personality so when I don't have those things I feel a bit shitty particularly in an urban environment. (In Vietnam I could care less.) For some reason I felt a heightened sense of insecurity today and realized that at the end of the day I should not rely on materialistic things to display my personality (nor could they really). There's just something about me traveling to a foreign place with a lot of strangers that I feel like I must prove something to people, particularly random strangers. I've been like this since I was little when I used to travel all over America with my parents. I needed to show that I am cool and that I am awesome and that what people thought about me really mattered. I suppose this trip is causing me to tap into some strange childhood anxiety of mine. My friend Linh told me to send out positive vibes to the universe and they will be answered. Throw them at me universe!

Anyways pictures for you because I'm tired:

Chasing pigeons.

Showin' some skin (be proud of me Donna).

Vancouver you so tiny!

One of these things is not like the other...

One of these things just doesn't belong...

I am so tiny.

Cool dead tree.


That hurt.

Japanese Tapas with Lisa Fang =)!

SO DELICIOUS! The roasted garlic was to die for!


Kimchi udon noodles with fish eggs.

Random photo: Ontario, CA  - where the freeways meet.

The 60 like I've never seen it before.

1 comment:

donna said...

ahhhh!! so pleased to catch a glimpse of thigh ;) lol love it!

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