
I broke the front door of my house.

And I was trapped. My dad doesn't think that we need to buy a new one, we just need to deal with the old one. This is how my brother and I are able to go to college, our family just doesn't spend money. I don't think people really understand how frugal we are. Extremely frugal. I will tell you in person how frugal we are, but let's just say that my mom has coupons for coupons, I don't ever ever EVER pay regular price for any of my items, and don't have cable, home phone service, and internet at home. Hence the lack of blogging.

As a result, I watch a lot of tv and clean the house a lot. The office comes on at 6 pm to 7 pm on channel 13 to my extreme delight and tonight is a new episode! TV. I didn't watch tv for two years in Vietnam and I come back here and that's almost all that I do. I'm slowly learning to turn it off though since my return from Canada this past Sunday, slowly getting into the hang of things and trying to start tackling my to - do list. Unfortunately I don't know where I put this to do list. Scribbled somewhere, this to-do list is lost in the abyss of whatever not.


Will have internet installed into my house soon. For now you can find me prowling Starbucks sprinkled across southern california.

If you don't recall this post about me crying in public I am currently going through that - I don't think culture shock is the correct word, but more so as Alice Walker puts it "overcoming speechlessness"

Lot's of stories swirling inside me...not sure what to do with them...not sure. Anyways thanks for your patience as I navigate freeways, prowl grocery markets rather confusingly, and nestle in coffee shops.

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