
I don't even know why I bother to unpack.

I have big teeth...and a bird on my shoulder.
Off again to Anaheim tomorrow for three days for a conference on evaluation - I am tired and really just want to sit around, mope and do nothing. But then I decided to "suck it up and just do it." I suppose I should keep moving or else I do things like make $70 purchases on Sephora.com. I am quite excited for my purchases. Consumer happiness, oh how fleeting but so satisfying, sort of like good looking crushes.

On another note, I am currently applying for jobs. And by applying I mean I applied to really just two jobs. To my luck I made it to the second round of in person interviews for one and tried really hard to prepare for it. This is another reason why I am tired (not including a 6 hour bus ride down from the bay area that knocked me out from 330 pm to 10 pm). Now all I can do is wait, but I can't help but feel really funky, anxious, and nervous about it but what the means is that you will get a proliferation of blog posts from me!

If I could I would travel the world going to shows and concerts - an international roadie? That sounds wrong. If I could I would be a full time best friend to as many people as possible and get paid. If I could I would learn how to play an instrument. If I could I would be in a band. If I could I would rent my own studio and work my magic in a studio creating things. If I could I would throw parties and get to know people and make them do art with me. If I could I would actually be badass (I'm not I follow too many rules and am so scared of authority). If I could I would find a job that allows me to be creative and by creative I mean give me the tools and give me a vision or goal and tell me to get there with the limited tools. I fucking love that kind of challenge. If I could I would get paint and run it through the city. If I could I would repaint my walls. If I could I would teleport. If I could I would make the first move. If I could I would tell my story more creatively. I would tell my story more constantly. I would tell my story visually. I would not give up and I would keep going. I would not be weak and I would not mope. If I could I would. And if I would I could and I should.

I'm going to make a habit of recording everything. My day. I have a really bad habit of forgetting what had happened, what had been said, what I had accomplished and the works - so going to really try to do this.

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