
Run-ons after run-ons, let's run.

I'd like to think I'm a multiple mix of things. I lie somewhere between three different worlds - one of which is an old soul type of world, the kind that enjoys the flowing, expansiveness that is america, everything old, kitsch loving kim. berkeley student movement, civil rights movement, midwest, the south, the east. the one that in the midst of bleakness comes beauty, the kind that finds idleness fascinating and the movement of spirits even more so. Blue grass, banjos, old school radio static loving me. The second is one that clings to the vintage nostalgia of asian countries, the one that is bounded by the hearts of war, the kind where 80's refugee colors of burgundy blue and yellow mean so much more than just color, the movement of it all over waters, over lost love, language and tongue. This one is shaped by the fact that I often slip in and out of different cultures with my ability to speak three languages, The last and by all means not final perhaps too idealistic world that I believe that all people deserve good. Most importantly I believe that there is a war against women and girls and children all over this world day by day minute by minute. There is an Ugly that lurks and manifests itself in the form of some of the most heinous acts in the world. I dedicate my life's work to learning more about this. I can handle more than you think. People often doubt me because I don't like to talk. Well let me tell you one thing, I'm always listening. I'm always listening to the invisible voices suppressed by a lifetime of hatred and self-disgust because the world just didn't love you enough. The kind that is formed when as a child you make the unfortunate mistake of thinking that love doesn't exist for you.

My work is out of love.

Often times the three worlds clash and pull. Often times the three worlds are forgotten as I become immersed in present time forgetting the ancestors, spirits, and overall bad assess that came before me to give me the color that I see today. I am at my best when I combine these worlds together, when it is revealed that I am all these things and more.


you ever just let yourself go with a song? like let it replace your consciousness. that's actually what happens when I write. I let a great thing replace my consciousness and then from there it runs, it flows, and there's suddenly a constant stream connecting my inner self to these clickety clack sounds of keyboard.

This is why blog because I LOVE this feeling. I've been writing since 2nd grade and it ain't gonna stop.
I came way before thought catalog. The books reveal so much more. note to self: The stupid lists of 20 things 20 year olds are feeling have been written in books before the end of time. Instead of succumbing to the simplistic pathetic lists that are on Facebook, why don't you pick up a book and for once read something that has so much more color and feelings than that.

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