
I spend Sundays mostly wading.

A knock and a wail wakes me up this Sunday and similar to other Sundays I wake up tired from the week. But there is something about Sundays that bring ends together. For the last few months I've spent my Sundays being lazy and not doing much, but Sundays were always about that for me. While on a plane early this morning I flip through the newspapers to (excitingly) find a cartoon section (!!!!!!!!!!!!). Boxes entertained my eyes, as Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes (never really liked that one) bounced from one square to another, making some statement on the goodness of donuts or childhood nostalgia.

Maybe this is where my creativity came from, or at least one of them. Comics in the Sunday newspaper. On days I spent lazily. On Sunday mornings my parents would go buy the Sunday Los Angeles Times, not to read articles or be updated on the recent current events of whatever the press likes to mention that week, but for the coupons. In goes $1.50 into the newspaper stand, and as always and penny pinching they take three newspapers. Three because that was the limit of how many coupons can be used on one item at the grocery store (back in the day) and with double coupon ability my mom was the best and smartest shopper I knew. She somehow was able to turn $67.87 turn into $3.45. The women behind her were amazed and probably grumpy from staying in line so long. The machine probably out-beeped its days worth too. She was smart. She searched for the unsuspecting teenager cashier who never looked carefully at coupons. Maybe something about moving to a foreign country with very little resources allowed this coupon-money-saving-talent grow or maybe it was innate. But as whiney American wannabe kids, we wined and made it hard for my mom. 

Why do we have to shop for so long...
Man, are you done?
Noooooo, I don't want to stay in line!
and complains galore as any two little kids who probably spend more time in grocery stores not buying things than kids who steal things.

I knew my grocery stores in Ontario and Chino, CA, maybe in Covina, San Dimas and West Covina too. I knew which one had free food samples, which ones had reduced price chicken after 5 pm, which one were most crowded and popular, which ones looked old and remodeled, which ones had the newest carts, which ones had the nicest managers or the dumbest clerks, I knew them all.

The pile of newspapers drops in the car seat or on the dinner table, and instantly my brother and I rip them apart. We each grab for different things that we like to read. So with three sets we are able to each have a copy. If we woke up late our parents would get to the coupons at first then leave the rest for my brother and I to search through. My brother was rather systematic in the way he took out his favorite sections of the Los Angeles Times. Always neat. Mostly they were the electronic store ads. He read them in a certain order and always put it back neatly into the recycle bin as if no one had touched it.

I cannot clearly recount my own process but I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted the cartoon section, not the lame section with women who complain about their weight cartoons, cartoons with soldiers or the kiddie section with lame crossroad puzzles. I quickly skimmed the front to get through all the "political" cartoons really quickly because I didn't get it. Then the second page was the classics with the peanuts gangs. Then with the third being the charm it was my favorite page with all the "modern" cartoon strips, with non-sequitor and the likes. Then I read the Calendar for stupid celebrity gossip, their small section on cartoons, Ask Marilyn, and possibly an article or two if I found it interesting. Then onto the New York Times magazine to glaze over pretty photos of rich people's houses. Then now onto the colorful ads of each store in town from circuit city to best buy to target to see if there was anything that I can pretend to want to buy. And MAYBE just MAYBE I would actually read the newspaper but that was hardly ever the case.

My Sunday mornings would end with a full recycle bin and cut coupons scattered across the dining table and the rest was spend hoping that school wouldn't have to start. I enjoy routine. Or maybe I just miss it.

On Sundays my mind wanders from the weeks events. It's going to be Monday again, what happened? Time falls faster than I can catch it sometimes. Sometimes I don't catch it at all. 


Six minute moments

As a radio dj I loved 6 minute songs. In the studio 6 minutes fly by as if it had wings, but gave me enough time to breath. And maybe sit for a second to process what I was playing. Systematically 6 minutes are great, but on air listener's get restless after 3 minutes. Due to the loveliness that is college radio I could pretty much play whatever the fuck heck I wanted. Minus cuss words. Excuse me for my lack of posts. I've been a tad lazy.

Here were some of my favorites:


My tongue doesn't get burned

nor does my picture get taken.

Subtle interjection of narcissism is needed sometimes. Although you can argue that this entire blog is made for that. Hah! Photos of me in action can be exciting. As exciting as putting jelly on your peanut buttered bread.


Goodbye April

Seeing that May is halfway done. It may be appropriate to post my April pictures for your viewing pleasure. I didn't take too many pictures this month. My camera is sorta dying. But here it is. 

(HAHAHAHA. omg google.)


ease with just a few things. There are certain things that calm me down when I'm just thinking too much or exhausted. It definitely doesn't include coffee or tea which leaves me either off the wall, jittery or with stained yellow teeth. The latter difficult to avoid.


I'm not sure why, but I check this website either every other day or every night after going through a mental exhaustion at work. It's stupid. It's people doing stupid things. It's showing how stupid people are. But damn I love that website like you love toothpaste on a toothbrush.


God I love to calendar. Calendar birthdays. Calendar work days. Calendar shows. Calendar where people are at. Only monthly calendar's. Non of this daily bullshit. I just need to see the bigger picture.
By the way, "seeing the bigger picture" does not make sense when you say it in Vietnamese to a Vietnamese staff member. Darn it.

"Cô phải thấy hình ảnh lớn hơn" Makes no sense I tell you. No sense at all. Thank god for the ability to write dates in boxes. Makes me feel satisfied.

Organizing post-its

I have alot of post-its. I write on the back. I write on the front. I scribble things in a hasty fashion, so I have to take the time to organize it at a later time, which leaves me in a frenzy of  post-it purging sessions where I compile some notes onto one post-it, write things neater, and throw away a pile of seemingly unnecessary ones that probably made sense at the time.

"Call fjsaklfj32908dfs0vi." "Do that paper thing." "Music Tea Party." "The Crush Club."

I also have a tendency to jot down my genius ideas that come across while I stare at the computer screen. This occurs most often when I have something important to do. Feeling rather overwhelmed my mind begins to come up with cool ideas that never seem to surface, but they do make it onto a post-it.

Taking things out of my bag/luggage and putting it back in an orderly fashion
Just like in the movie Amelie. Having lived out of my luggage for a large portion of my time in Vietnam. (It's because my closet doesn't have drawers, so sometimes I get lazy and throw it into my open luggage in the closet.) No, but really I do quiet a bit of traveling so duffle you are my friend. At the end of the day or rather the next morning or afternoon - nothing like reorganizing my stuff in my purse that makes me happy.

Good jewelry

I have this thing where once I think jewelry gives me bad luck I never wear it again, or am hesitant too. It started with this ring my grandma bought me on an Indian reservation which I thought was possessed because we hit a cow during that trip or maybe it was a deer. My memory doesn't serve me right. Regardless, I do think certain things give me bad luck and good luck. All of this is determined from what occurs when I wear the jewelry. It also causes me to interestingly be at ease when I do determine it is "Good luck."

Talking to my friends

Cue cheezy elevator music. You know who you are. I talk to you a lot. And there are only a handful of you. And man, I love and miss you all. You do really keep me sane (or a tad nuts). Thanks for that. =)

Cleaning my restroom

The smell of bleach. Disinfectant. Whiteness of the sink. Using my own two hands to clean the damn restroom. Once I get started I don't stop.

Stir frying food

After taking the time to cut everything up, the preparation: which I hate to do and is the factor that often deters me from cooking.  Stir frying is the best. Cut up the garlic. Throw on the oil. Hear it cackle. Throw on the ingredients. SHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Speaking of which. I'm hungry and I'm going to stir fry some bitter mellon.

Sorry for this horrible post. It's oozing with horrible-ness, but I'm trying to gather myself after 4 hours of sleep. The sun is out. My eyes hurt. My lungs feel charred. And my feet are sore due to Dengue Fever take 2.



I am not sure what is happening. But I heard this song today and thought it was really beautiful. When I used to hear these songs blasting out of my mom's radio or my aunt's karaoke machine I would get really annoyed because it sounded like raucous. But damn this shit is beautiful, makes me want to stare longingly into the Mekong River and walk gracefully through rice paddies while sportin' an ao dai. YES I CAN DO THAT.

Here is a list of famous vietnamese people for fun and I am also starting to laugh at those Vietnamese theater comedy sketches because now they make sense.

Troi oi!


Man, I'm tired.

Mentally and physically tired. Today I got some pho from my favorite pho stand in Long Xuyen. He's been making pho for 17 years he told me once. His lines age as he smiles. "Haven't seen you in so long! Where have you been" I mumble that I've been working a lot. A strange guilt arises for some reason, as if I was a traitor. The feeling quickly erases itself as I come to the conclusion that guilt can only be felt if I went to eat at another pho place, which has not happen.

There is something about a good bowl of noodles in the morning that calms me and slows me down. It's the process.

When you get a bowl of pho you have to add things to it.
So it becomes just right.

This takes patience. Reaching over to the fresh green plate of vegetables I toss them around a bit and find the ones I like most. Picking each leaf off and breaking them, they leap into my bowl.

And the sauce.
Handmade hand crushed burgundy goodness with dried chili seeped in chili oil.

And now I'm going to faint onto my bed from exhaustion. Under my mosquito net, because I just don't want to think anymore.

Tomorrow I will have no electricity. After Vietnamese class off to Saigon I go. Long Xuyen seems a tad stranger to me, since I've been on the go for the last month or so. The bridge is connected. Dark gray clouds seem to linger. And the sun seems to be angry at me.


My bad ya'll

I've come to the rather unpleasant realization that my writing is comparable to the time I scraped my knee after falling off a bike when I was 7. Having regained my bicycle-riding-confidence just this past year, I assume this may take time to recover.

Depending on my mood I throw up different things onto here.


But just like my mind runs, I can never focus. Maybe it's reflective of my current state of mind: confusion. Explains my eye twitch for the last two weeks. I think the month of March & April happened, but I don't remember it. My last few months have been a great fog haze of thoughts, folks, moments, and stares out of windows. Draping over me, my memories and recollections float close to dreams.

This blogdentity crisis of mine is no bueno, I think it's due for a makeover, apparently my good friend Donna is goin' through the same thing.


Dengue Fever in HCMC

I probably played one of their songs in every other show I had.

I had too.

It was something about being in the air studio, alone, with just me, scattered cd's, clicks, and buzzin' that made me want to play some Cambodian tunes. Amidst a three hour hectic set of me running around trying to find things to play while doing 20 other things at once occasionally on no sleep, I found them to be appropriate.

And how appropriate it was.

As I was sitting lazily waitin' to catch the 4:15 bus back to Long Xuyen, Vietnam, I get a text from a friend saying their show started at 5:30 pm. Seeing that I would be extra mad at myself for missing their show by a mere hour or so, I went.

There was something about the Mekong river, with the sun just tucked in, and probably the chit chatter hum of rich people talk that set the mood. As they took the stage the leader singer, Chhom Nimol, said something about not wanting to trip on her high heels. Calling our attention to her high heels.

Their performance was nothing short of awesome.  Leaving me wanting some more, luckily they will be playing a show next Friday as well.

One of the most down to earth bands I've met. Afterwards, I caught the 11:15 pm bus back to small town Vietnam, lights glazing by, Vietnamese clatter lingering in the backdrop, and fluorescent lights kissing the dark and all I could think about was how I loved it all.

Will post photos soon.


The Adventures of Mango & (Mango) Steen

While on a plane eating one kilo of mangosteens, I made a comic about a mango and a mangosteen, fruits that both my friend Ed and I devour with such love that maybe we sort of look like them as well. We are what we eat I guess. Here are some sketches, I'll post more as I learn more facts about the delectable & delightful world of mangoes and mangosteens, and also find some color pencils.


my blog's font hard to read?

I just realized it probably is.

Will change it soon, as in two or three weeks time.

Yours Truly,

**update**: font changed!

Creepy man story telling time

I have a friend name Diane and I miss her very much along with the men that she unknowingly attracts. She has this unfortunate magnetic tendency to evoke weird men to strike up awkward conversations with her, enough of them where I can now dedicate a section of my blog solely for the purpose of telling these stories to you. And if you know Diane, she really does absolutely nothing to attract these men.

Story #1: Clean-up on aisle flirting.

"Kimmmmmmmie, a creepy man came up to me...."

While shopping at my favorite grocery store of all time, Diane and I get separated. She is going to make a vegetarian meal because today was the day to eat vegetarian food. She is standing in front of the vegetarian meat/tofu section. A man, we will name him "poor pick-up line man" comes up to her and asks her a question. Note that Diane is completely unprepared for such a question, because:

1. She does not work there
2.  Her mind is fully focused on which vegetarian meat taste most like real meat.

He asks,

"Do you know where the flirting aisle is?" 

"What? The protein aisle?"

And as I think about this, he probably felt his ego hit, such as when you tell a joke and your friend doesn't hear you, so you repeat it again, but since you said it with such anticipation the first time already the punchline is no longer a PUNCH but more so a nudge.

So "poor pick-up line man" repeats his question (I'd imagine rather dismally): Do you know where the flirting aisle is?"


To which Diane replies with a combination of realization and disgust,

"Ohhhhhh....no" (With a headshake, according to Diane's accounts).

Then what proceeds is pathetic small talk to recuperate from the failed flirting where Diane learns useless information about him. Good try "poor pick-up line man," good try.


this from my friend Shivam's blog on his latest post about perspective transformation, have been meaning to post it in a long time. There was just one part that really hit home and I think helps me put into perspective why I am in Vietnam and exactly what I am doing, I am not "helping" poor Vietnamese people. Will put more thoughts about it later for now as my brain is fried from my 8 hour nap just read below.

Vikram (the chairman) asked me why I was there, and what I hoped to gain out of my experience. At the time it seemed like such a reasonable question with such a simple answer: I was there to “help others”, and realize how grateful I needed to be and to not take things for granted. I gloated at my missionary-complex while Vikram found some humor in my adolescence. He told me: “Do not anything in life because you feel obliged to do something. Definitely do not do anything to ‘help anyone’. No one needs your ‘help’. I am here today because I don’t like helping people—I am here today because I love what I do. When you say that you’re here to help, you’re also directly saying that you’re here to victimize and defeat the purpose of your coming in the first place. Humans do not need help; they need an ear for their stories, love for their souls, shoulders for their tears, and care for their kind. Not help.”



up from the longest nap of my life, that started around 2pm and ended around 10 pm woops. i realized that I am very challenged in Vietnam.

No no, this has nothing to do with my nap, just relevations at random moments of silence when your stirring on the coach while the air condition whirs in the background and the only sounds you hear are the soft footsteps of the person living above.

I am on a constant mental roller coaster being here, insecurities surface or insecurities recognized due to many things. I think I've become quiet reclusive compared to who I was in college and I think this began around senior year, or maybe as far off as my study abroad days.

Regardless, its a challenge that I face almost every time I am in a new environment or with people I know but not know too well. I have to remind myself you are what you are to people, you have to be confident and that silence really gets you know where (but also being a loud ass may not as well).

I'm not sure if I was "made" to be quiet, my throat hurts when I talk too long, alcohol makes my face red and my heart feel funny, and I'm little. But as I list this I realize that these are really stupid assumptions that I need to just check mah self with.


Alot of it at first had to do with the language and figuring out my role at the organization that I work with. Pacific Links Foundation and their ADAPT project. Alot of it was learning how to break free from my already established routines and gettin' over it.

Gettin' over my weird random thoughts, memories, and whatever the fuck that I learned these last 20 something years of my life. Maybe not necessarily gettin' over it, but know that this journey is new, unlike any other journey that I have taken, that I will not be familiar with anything as much as I tried. That things will catch me unexpected, that people I will meet will be my friends will not be my friends, and that the world is so much more complicated that my little mind could ever possibly wrap around.
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