
Let's make this happen.

I find it delightfully interesting, flattering, and amusing the things that remind people of me. My good friend Aileen sends me a video of a girl dancing around on a public ferry. She tells me that things like that make her think of me. Punctuating the stagnant normalcy of routine, she dances in their face, makes people smile, or downright uncomfortable. She ignores it and proceeds to dance her way all around the boat. My ex-boyfriend once made me a playlist of songs that reminded him of me, they were for the most part whimsical uppity upbeat xylophone interjecting songs. I'm happy that I emanate that energy out to people when I am at my best.

Laughter makes me happy, but I feel like the last few years have pulled my energy down. Let's make this happen, let's keep the energy up.


"Keepin' it "Real(ism)" - ad on bus stop

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