

Sometimes, when I stare at my screen before I write I feel like I'm running towards the Ugly waving my sword forward. The pen is mightier than the sword as they say. In this case my sword is my pen and instead of my pen, it's my keyboard. Not as sexy, but hey it will work. Instead of kicking the ass out of my enemies, I instead reflect, heal, and spill my heart out.


My life is a work in progress.
And this is going to take a while, I'm going to feel sad a few times, I'm going to be happy a few times, and I'm also going to feel very very fortunate. I'm in a bit of an incubated circle at Hopkins, school work ties me down, and sometimes I forget to breathe.

I'm going to try to balance this week. This week is like every week, but I'm going to try to approach it differently from the former week. I'm going to exercise at least once, I'm going to not stress out about my quiz and I'm going to spend time with people. I hate saying no to fun things - sometimes I wonder if its really necessary to say no to people. Saying no and staying in means a potentially missed opportunity and I struggle with this idea. Sometimes, I just need to calm down and not think.

Yup, I'm going through heartbreak and it's going to take a while. I was paroling the internet and saw this post from Shannon Holloway which I thoroughly enjoyed. "just because you can doesn’t mean you should"

I'm going to be okay with my decisions and stand firm with them because that's all I got honestly.

I'm full of color can you see it? Can I see it?


I hear that Paris is a beautiful city.

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